Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED 1.328/5:ST 9/991-92 Basic student charges at postsecondary institutions academic year 1991-92 : tuition and required fees and room and board charges at 4-year, 2-year, and public less-than-2-year institutions 1
ED 1.328/5:SU 1 Time spent teaching core academic subjects in elementary schools comparisons across community, school, teacher, and student characteristics
Time spent teaching core academic subjects in elementary schools : comparisons across community, school, teacher, and student characteristics
ED 1.328/5:SU 1/2 Subsequent educational attainment of high school dropouts 1
ED 1.328/5:T 22 Teacher supply in the United States sources of newly hired teachers in public and private schools 1
ED 1.328/5:T 22/2 Qualifications of the public school teacher workforce, 1988 and 1991 1
ED 1.328/5:T 22/4 Out-of-field teaching and educational equality 1
ED 1.328/5:T 22/5 Teacher professionalization and teacher commitment a multilevel analysis
Teacher professionalization and teacher commitment : a multilevel analysis, SASS
ED 1.328/5:T 22/6 The status of teaching as a profession, 1990-91 : SASS 1
ED 1.328/5:T 22/7 Toward better teaching professional development in 1993-94 1
ED 1.328/5:T 22/8 Teacher quality a report on the preparation and qualifications of public school teachers 1
ED 1.328/5:T 22/9 Progress through the teacher pipeline 1992-93 college graduates and elementary/secondary school teaching as of 1997 1
ED 1.328/5:T 22/10 Teachers' tools for the 21st century a report on teachers' use of technology 1
ED 1.328/5:T 22/13 To teach or not to teach? teaching experience and preparation among 1992-93 bachelor's degree recipients 10 years after college 1
ED 1.328/5:T 22/995 Teacher supply in the United States sources of newly hired teachers in public and private schools, 1988-1991 1
ED 1.328/5:T 23 Advanced telecommunications in U.S. private schools, 1998-99 1
ED 1.328/5:T 28 Constructed response tests in the NELS:88 high school effectiveness study 1
ED 1.328/5:T 72/3 Trends in the use of school choice, 1993 to 1999 1
ED 1.328/5:T 72/4 Trends in the use of school choice, 1993 to 2003 1
ED 1.328/5:UN 2/ Profile of undergraduates in U.S. postsecondary education institutions 2
ED 1.328/5:UN 2 Profile of undergraduates in U.S. postsecondary education institutions, 1989-90 1